Optio Biopharma Solutions can provide clients a winning strategic process adapted to small company situations. We apply a classical, disciplined, and stepwise strategic marketing process archetypical of “large pharma” – no applicable strategic component is discounted. The process is tempered for small companies by taking a qualitative approach where necessary. While the process may not be bolstered with extensive quantitative resources (e.g. complete prescriber data, statistically robust customer segmentation, “forecast grade” product attribute testing, etc.) it is reinforced with practical experience. The Optio process eliminates many “blind spots” for small companies. While limited resources may prevent some gaps from being fully addressed; their identification prevents them from becoming pitfalls.
Each Optio commercial strategy advisor possesses foundational US and global “large pharma” strategic experience supplemented by years of working for dynamic small to medium sized biopharmaceutical companies. While Optio does have large pharma clients, our mix of expertise allow us to provide comprehensive commercial solutions built upon classic (and award winning) strategic/new product planning experience further augmented by the versatility, creativity, and speed critical to success in small company and startup environments.